
It's time for the media to leave PewDiePie alone and report real news

censorship 6:42 PM
Not that long ago PewDiePie was slandered for being a racist, and before that he was slandered for... probably a billion other things. From what I have read people are usually upset over the fact that "he makes so much money by just sitting on his chair all day playing video games!!!" "it's not fair!!!". Boohoo, shut up. But instead of people hating...

Is "Dear White People" a racist failed marketing stunt?

dear white people 9:35 AM

IMDb is greedy and it is showing; shutting down their message boards is a huge mistake

amazon 3:55 PM
I remember a while back when IMDb announced that they were going to clean up their archives; they were going to delete "old messages" to clean up their message boards. I remember how mad I was. How can you, as an Internet Movie DATABASE, delete messages like that? Messages that hold merit and bring valuable opinions and such to the virtual table of...

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