Not that long ago PewDiePie was slandered for being a racist, and before that he was slandered for... probably a billion other things. From what I have read people are usually upset over the fact that "he makes so much money by just sitting on his chair all day playing video games!!!" "it's not fair!!!". Boohoo, shut up. But instead of people hating...
Yesterday it was plastered all over the internet: the Dear White People trailer. You probably ran into it and even if you tried to not acknowledge its existence you probably failed. If you took a day off the internet yesterday; congratulations! You have missed the biggest waste of time in your life.
Above you can watch the Dear White People trailer, go on.. watch it. It's only 34 seconds and you will probably get really mad over it because that is apparently what happened: people are ENRAGED by this trailer. While I'm writing this the video has 35,300 views, 382 likes, and 6,807 dislikes. That's a lot of dislikes.
Every single website seems to be talking about it, it is slapping you in the face against your will like all those Russian brides on the internet wanting to marry you (that was an internet advertisement joke in case you didn't get it -- I don't even know if these "Russian bride" ads are still a thing 'cause I have been using adblocker for so long... I don't even know what the real internet looks like anymore).
Even though this trailer (and the general premises of the show) I tried to not look into the matter too much and left the 'research' till the biggest cloud of rage blew over.
So, the first time I heard about this thing I was like "ok... dear white people... that's gonna be juicy". Then I watched the trailer and I was very unimpressed. When a new TV series is being announced, and they show a trailer, I actually want to know what the show is about. Based on the trailer and the title I am still none the wiser. AND THAT IS THE EXACT ISSUE HERE. When people are met with the unknown or a puzzle with missing puzzle pieces they are going to fill in the gaps themselves based on what they can perceive. Everything they have thrown towards us, everything the audience can perceive, screams "ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACISTS" and that is obviously going to piss a lot of people off.
Based on the title and trailer you can think: How is this benefiting anyone? Why are you generalizing all white people as racists? Why do you make it seem like EVERY white person is a problem? Why making a white vs. black war happening when there is none? But if you think those things you are obviously foolish.
Let me ask you: why are you judging a book by its cover? Or in this case, why are you judging a TV show by its title and 30 second trailer? You have no factual information what the show is about but apparently you think you do?! Are you that prejudice??
Think about it, why would Netflix create a series that would enrage people and promote "white genocide"? I know that Netflix has released a lot of Netflix Original Series that are downright awful. In all honesty it is either a hit or miss with their original series. But it would be stupid as fuck of them to just make a TV series where they showcase all white people as being racist. Most of the time when such shows come out you know that they are probably just going to use satire to make their point; but again we don't know that because we didn't get enough information about the series. But people just like to jump to conclusions when we talk about sensitive topics like this.
People are literally cancelling their Netflix subscription cause they can't see through their veil made out of preconception and bigotry. These people are literally the equivalent of grown-up brats who immediately get a temper tantrum for not getting their way or being butt hurt 'cause they are not the center of attention for one second.
I have also thought a bit about Netflix setting this up on purpose. That they have made this show's title and trailer as vague and "race baity" as possible to elicit as much response from the very opinionated people on the internet to gain traction to their show (and to kind of make a point too). Which would be a great marketing scheme (although it kind of turned on them since people are cancelling their subscriptions -- I guess they didn't expect that). Although, I am leaning more towards it being a failed marketing stunt.
I think they hoped for a lot of support from anti-racist people and the black community in general. But they didn't really get that.
Moral of the story: stop being a moron and getting TRIGGERED so goddamn easy. Holy shit people. Here is Morgan Freeman explaining it to you in a more decent and thought out manner:
So.. what do you think? Failed marketing stunt or a successful one?
IMDb is greedy and it is showing; shutting down their message boards is a huge mistake
amazon 3:55 PM I remember a while back when IMDb announced that they were going to clean up their archives; they were going to delete "old messages" to clean up their message boards. I remember how mad I was. How can you, as an Internet Movie DATABASE, delete messages like that? Messages that hold merit and bring valuable opinions and such to the virtual table of...